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API Security

Consider for a moment the prospect of suddenly being unable to access your bank account or being cut off from your favorite streaming service right during an eagerly awaited playoff game. It may sound improbable in our age of technological marvels, but it is closer to reality than most appreciate.

Today’s digital world relies heavily on Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs. These tools, which function as bridges between various software applications, are pervasive and largely taken for granted. Yet, they may well be the Achilles’ heel of our interconnected age. Karl Mattson, a seasoned voice from Noname Security, brings to the forefront a sobering reality: the ticking time bomb of API security breaches.

The vulnerabilities of APIs are not mere speculation. Think back to the considerable breach experienced by Optus in Australia, where close to 10 million customers had their personal data exposed. And that’s just one among the growing list of casualties.

APIs, often implicated in a myriad of breaches over the years, pose a unique challenge. The question at the core of the dilemma is one of responsibility: Who exactly is the custodian of API security within an organization? Should it be seen as the burden of the API developer, or perhaps the domain of security experts, or does it fall under product management? The lines are blurred, and where there’s confusion, vulnerabilities are almost certain to emerge.

To bolster the defenses against the lurking threat of API breaches, organizations must consider two vital steps:

  1. Appointing a Sentinel: Until the alarm bells of a breach ring loud and clear, many companies remain complacent, operating without a clear game plan for API security. The advent of a security champion, a dedicated guardian of API security with authority, can clear this fog of responsibility. This individual can assess vulnerabilities, chart out a strategy, and bring to the table a unified approach, ensuring that API security isn’t relegated to the shadows.
  2. Evolving Vigilance: API security isn’t a one-off task to check off a list. It demands unwavering attention, from the inception of an application to its final phase.

A culture of continuous evaluation and revaluation is paramount. From periodically delving into the OWASP API Security Top Ten assessments to actively scrutinizing API traffic for any anomalies, the process is relentless and exhaustive.

But, only through such meticulous scrutiny can threats be preemptively identified and countered.

The horizon might seem clouded with threats of more API security breaches. But, armed with foresight, clear responsibility, and an unyielding commitment to vigilance, organizations have a chance of navigating this treacherous terrain. The digital age’s vulnerabilities are real, but with the right preparation, they can be contained.


Steve King

Managing Director, CyberEd

King, an experienced cybersecurity professional, has served in senior leadership roles in technology development for the past 20 years. He has founded nine startups, including Endymion Systems and seeCommerce. He has held leadership roles in marketing and product development, operating as CEO, CTO and CISO for several startups, including Netswitch Technology Management. He also served as CIO for Memorex and was the co-founder of the Cambridge Systems Group.


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