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The LLM Explosion

When you think about how the world has evolved over the last decade, technology has often been at the forefront of that transformation. And at the heart of this evolution lies the development and growth of AI and Large Language Models (LLMs). Now, let’s unpack these challenges a bit more.

Hallucinations in AI:

AI hallucinating might sound like sci-fi territory, but it’s a real and pressing issue. The crux? Ensuring that AI can differentiate between data it’s trained on and data it’s creating out of the blue. The impact of getting this right (or wrong) is profound. Imagine a medical AI wrongly diagnosing a patient because it ‘hallucinated’ a symptom. Scary, right? So, researchers are racing against time, implementing safeguards, and developing solutions to curb this phenomenon.

The Power of Context:

Just as we humans often need a backstory to understand a situation fully, AI, too, thrives on context. It’s what makes the difference between AI delivering a generic, cookie-cutter response versus a nuanced, specific answer. A simple query about weather might require understanding if the user is asking for a holiday destination, a farming perspective, or just to pick out tomorrow’s outfit!

Embracing Multimodality:

While many of us are just coming to grips with text-based AI, the world of AI research has already leapfrogged to something even more exciting: multimodality. This approach promises a richer, more intuitive AI experience. Think of a future where you can show your AI assistant a picture of a dress and ask, “Can you find something similar but in blue?” or composing a song based on an idea and style. By merging different data forms, AI becomes more versatile, intuitive, and user-friendly.

Speed and Affordability:

There’s no denying that the initial phases of groundbreaking tech often come with a hefty price tag. But as we’ve seen with every technological advancement, from personal computers to smartphones, initial costs inevitably decrease as the technology becomes more mainstream and accessible. Innovators are now focused on ensuring that LLMs, while sophisticated, don’t break the bank. They’re pushing boundaries, ensuring these tools are within reach for everyone, from large corporations to young startup folks tinkering in their basements.

Final Thoughts:

As we move into an AI-driven era, these challenges underline the vast potential and the roadblocks. But if history has taught us anything, it’s that human ingenuity combined with relentless pursuit often turns challenges into groundbreaking innovations.

Think Apple, Fairchild, Ampex, IBM, Next, Pixar, PayPal, X, Tesla,, and on and on. The likely next innovation in LLMs will come down to the chips – smaller, faster, cheaper, embedded, smarter – and multi-modal will expand to gobble up everything.

So, as we ride along on this rocket ship called LLM, one thing is certain: the journey ahead is filled with limitless possibilities. Stay curious and stay tuned! As Russel Brand would say, “What a wonderful time to be alive.”


Steve King

Managing Director, CyberEd

King, an experienced cybersecurity professional, has served in senior leadership roles in technology development for the past 20 years. He has founded nine startups, including Endymion Systems and seeCommerce. He has held leadership roles in marketing and product development, operating as CEO, CTO and CISO for several startups, including Netswitch Technology Management. He also served as CIO for Memorex and was the co-founder of the Cambridge Systems Group.


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