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Mystery Devs Slink into Our Minds.

The age of artificial intelligence is upon us, and with it comes a tale that unveils the unsettling reality of our digital era. Picture this: a shadowy figure, a developer perhaps, crafts an AI-powered propaganda machine in a mere couple of months. It’s a story that transcends the boundaries of science fiction and emerges as a stark revelation of our times.

The protagonist of this tale is none other than an OpenAI expert, wielding tools like the enigmatic ChatGPT. With a monthly operating cost of under $400, this digital juggernaut materializes under the moniker “CounterCloud.” Its purpose? To showcase the frightening simplicity with which one can orchestrate mass propaganda using the very technology that has become a cornerstone of our modern lives.

Our anonymous creator, the enigmatic Nea Paw, claims the cloak of a cybersecurity expert, dancing in the shadows of the digital realm. A self-proclaimed mastermind, Paw reveals the intricacies of their scheme in a video uploaded to YouTube. Their motives? To demonstrate AI-generated disinformation in action – a cautionary narrative that blurs the lines between reality and manipulation.

The orchestration is eerie yet fascinating. Paw begins by feeding opposing articles into the AI realm, directing it to craft counter-articles that challenge the original narrative. It’s a digital dance of deception, where the AI paints alternate perspectives, casting doubt upon the veracity of the original content. A puppeteer of information, Paw manipulates the machine into weaving a web of false stories, fictitious historical events, and a narrative designed to sow seeds of uncertainty.

Enter the “gatekeeper module,” a digital sentinel that ushers only the most relevant content to the forefront. This AI realm transforms into a virtual theater of deception, complete with audio clips of fabricated news and even counterfeit profiles and comments that beckon unsuspecting readers into the labyrinth of falsehoods.

The climax of this modern fable lies in the AI’s ability to take sides – to promote narratives that resonate with its agenda while retorting to opposing viewpoints with calculated precision. A symphony of automated disinformation plays out, 24/7, each note striking a chord of manipulation in the hearts and minds of those who encounter it.

Yet, the protagonist hasn’t been released into the digital wilderness just yet. A cautionary note resounds – a reminder that the power it wields can unleash uncontrollable chaos upon our information landscape. This particular digital Pandora’s box remains sealed, for now.

But within the tale lies a silver lining – the desire to educate, to illuminate the intricate dance between AI, disinformation, and the fragile foundations of our democracy. This story isn’t just about AI; it’s a narrative that touches upon the essence of our times, a reminder that the digital age brings with it both the promise of progress and a heaping does of manipulation reality.

In the end, the tale of CounterCloud underscores the urgency to address the profound questions that AI poses. As the lines between fact and fiction blur, the need to regulate, understand, and control these technological marvels becomes ever more pressing.

But how? And by whom?

We are now seeing only the idea of the iceberg, not even the tip. Our leaders in government, though perhaps well intentioned, are woefully ill equipped to address these issues as it requires deep technological and critical thinking, which has always been in short supply among politicians of every stripe. 

The other issue of course, is that our adversaries operate under entirely different rules of engagement, and Russia, China, North Korea, Syria and Iran will do what seems right for each regardless of what GDPR says. According to BRICS now, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa and 40 other countries at last count, none of which include the USA or the UK, have their own priorities and agendas. None are interested in what the US government or any of our true allies have to say.

It feels like one of those existential convergence moments that always end badly. Climb into your hightops, kids. At least we can enjoy the fireworks.


Steve King

Managing Director, CyberEd

King, an experienced cybersecurity professional, has served in senior leadership roles in technology development for the past 20 years. He has founded nine startups, including Endymion Systems and seeCommerce. He has held leadership roles in marketing and product development, operating as CEO, CTO and CISO for several startups, including Netswitch Technology Management. He also served as CIO for Memorex and was the co-founder of the Cambridge Systems Group.


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