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The Price of Freedom is Education

Listen, kid, let me pull you away from your latte or whatever cold brew you’re sipping these days, and tell you the score. You’re living in a city with its veins full of data, pumping day and night—every selfie, every Amazon splurge, every midnight text after too many drinks—it’s all data, and it’s as vulnerable as a debutante at her first Met Gala.

You know those movies where a bad guy in a hoodie types away in some dark room? Forget that script; it’s not always that cinematic. But it’s real, and it’s happening. That hacker might as well be sitting next to you at your Brooklyn co-working space, tracing your digital footprints and just waiting for the moment you slip.

The bitter, no-nonsense espresso of truth here is that cybersecurity is not just about fancy firewalls and encrypted passwords, it’s about you and me, the people behind the screens. A company can invest millions in the most advanced security infrastructure, but it takes just one naïve click on a phishing email by Steve from Accounting, and boom! The gates are wide open, Steve’s credentials are stolen, and the company’s IP is sailing away on a pirate ship. Like the one at the MGM Grand and Caesars right now.

Now, you might be thinking, “Yeah, yeah, we’ve got some online training; I even got a certificate for acing the quiz.” Stop right there. A couple of PowerPoint slides and a multiple-choice test are about as effective as a Band-Aid on a bullet wound.

Cybersecurity training needs to be relentless, immersive, something that haunts you like the ghost of relationships past. It has to get under your skin, become second nature. Your people are your biggest asset, but they can also be your biggest risk.

Let’s not forget the C-suite. You think because you’ve got some initials in front of your name that you’re immune? Executive egos might think they’re floating above the digital mire, but that makes them even more tempting targets. Their privileged access is the VIP lounge of the data world, the place everyone wants to break into. These execs need the hard education, the schooling that makes them cyber-skeptics, ever-questioning and forever vigilant.

You see, cybersecurity isn’t a one-night stand; it’s a long-term commitment. Continuous education, that’s the key. It’s evolving, baby, just like you and me. What worked yesterday is today’s old news, and tomorrow’s techniques? You better believe they’re in development, somewhere you’re not even looking.

Ah, the perennial push and pull between freedom and restriction—makes you feel alive, doesn’t it? It’s like an open relationship where the rules keep changing. You want the freedom to roam the internet, explore the digital wilds, but you’ve got to be smart, set boundaries, be discerning in your clicks and choices. It’s not just a protocol; it’s a lifestyle.

So go ahead, live your life in this sprawling digital metropolis. Snap your photos, send your emails, and make your transactions. But be aware, be educated, and for the love of God, old son, don’t click on that suspicious link, even if it promises you the secrets of the universe.

In the city of data, the price of freedom is education, and in a digital world, illiteracy is not an option.


Steve King

Managing Director, CyberEd

King, an experienced cybersecurity professional, has served in senior leadership roles in technology development for the past 20 years. He has founded nine startups, including Endymion Systems and seeCommerce. He has held leadership roles in marketing and product development, operating as CEO, CTO and CISO for several startups, including Netswitch Technology Management. He also served as CIO for Memorex and was the co-founder of the Cambridge Systems Group.


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