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Where is AI Going, and How Long Will It Take to Get There?

(Original art by MidJourney)

The future of artificial intelligence, a topic that’s been swirling in the winds of discourse, holds within its grasp both the promise of a brave new world and the specter of a potential nightmare. The debate surrounding the impact of AI has reached a crescendo, leaving us to ponder whether it’s a beacon of progress or a harbinger of peril. The landscape is replete with opinions, and each viewpoint seems to clamor for attention.

Recent findings, as revealed by Maveron and A/B Consulting, offer a glimpse into the national psyche. A divided America as usual, with 37% of individuals embracing the excitement that AI brings, while 40% harbor apprehensions. A similar divide exists regarding AI’s potential impact, as 39% foresee a future where AI supersedes human capabilities, while 41% maintain a more cautious stance.

IBM, a vanguard of technological insights, projects an unsettling statistic: 40% of contemporary jobs may vanish due to the swift intervention of AI within a mere two years. I present an alternative forecast of 80%, rooted in the idea that AI’s transformative force could reshape industries on an unprecedented scale. Conversely, some of my own colleagues assert that AI’s effect on the labor landscape might be negligible, a viewpoint emblematic of the spectrum of beliefs in this arena.

Nonetheless, the crux of the matter resides within the realm of nuance, far from the binary notions of salvation or ruin. The fate of AI hinges upon those who wield it and the trajectory they chart. It’s akin to harnessing a tempestuous force of nature – the outcome depends on how this potent tool is managed and directed.

In an age where “AI” adorns the labels of an array of products, being able to differentiate between genuine innovation and mere marketing ploys requires a level of insight that goes beyond the surface.

As we stand at this pivotal juncture, the collective responsibility lies in steering the course of AI’s integration into our lives, businesses, and society as a whole. This necessitates a judicious approach to adoption, distinguishing between applications that genuinely enhance our lives and those that are simply caught up in the hype. It’s an era where allocating technological, financial, and emotional resources is both a privilege and a weighty decision.

The positive prospects of AI abound, if managed judiciously. In capable hands, AI can elevate efficiency, allowing for intricate computations at unparalleled speeds and freeing human creativity from mundane tasks. We’re already witnessing instances where AI functions as an enabler – from predictive text on our smartphones to streamlined traffic management by smart lights. AI seamlessly integrates into our lives, a silent yet pervasive companion, enriching our experiences in subtle ways.

The intersection of AI and industries is equally profound. Agriculture, manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals are just a few sectors that have embraced AI’s potential. It’s as if we’ve only just scratched the surface since its inception last November (though it took until March for useful beta versions to make their mark). The future, however, looms like a promise – envision, if you will, the AI world six months from now, with broadly functioning capabilities, some of which we haven’t even imagined, and the landscape could be staggering. And imagine what it must have been like seeing the first automobile from your horseback rumble down main street, the first electric light bulb flicker to life and the first King James bible drop from a printing press.

Even Gartner, a reliable compass in the ever-shifting tech terrain, places generative AI front and center in their Emerging Technologies and Trends Impact Radar report. By 2025, generative AI is expected to commandeer 10% of all data, a quantum leap from the current 1%. It’s projected to play a role in 20% of test data for consumer applications and an astounding 50% in drug discovery and development projects. Fast forward to 2027, and we anticipate that at minimum, 30% of manufacturers will harness generative AI’s prowess to invigorate their product development processes.

The AI frontier beckons.

It’s a narrative interwoven with possibilities and uncertainties. As we jump on this path, let us consider that Chat GPT, GAI and LLM’s are not just change agents that will affect everything we do, which is true, but this is far more transformational than any other innovation in history, either directly in or out of technology. AI will not only impact how we do everything, but what we can do in the future that we now can’t, and how we interact as social creatures.


Steve King

Managing Director, CyberEd

King, an experienced cybersecurity professional, has served in senior leadership roles in technology development for the past 20 years. He has founded nine startups, including Endymion Systems and seeCommerce. He has held leadership roles in marketing and product development, operating as CEO, CTO and CISO for several startups, including Netswitch Technology Management. He also served as CIO for Memorex and was the co-founder of the Cambridge Systems Group.


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