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Hitching the IAM Wagon to an ML Horse

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As we push identity to be the new perimeter, we trip over legacy systems and technical debt. This lesson covers laying the groundwork, establishing governance, identifying key IAM and business processes. These are vital to modernize IAM ahead of initiatives such as digital-first and zero trust. We might not be able to race ahead, but we can catch up.

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Your CyberEd Instructor

Wolfgang Goerlich

Advisory CISO, Cisco Secure

J. Wolfgang Goerlich is an Advisory CISO at Cisco Secure. He has more than 20 years of experience serving as an IT and cybersecurity strategist in healthcare and financial services. Passionate about community, Goerlich co-founded the OWASP Detroit chapter and organizes the annual Converge and BSides Detroit conferences. He regularly discusses a variety of IT and security topics on his popular video blog, “Stuck in Traffic.”

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