exclusive online course

The 3Ps of Third Party Risk: Prevention, Policies, Promises

Independent research revealed that while 60% of firms have formal third party risk policies, nearly half have experienced a significant breach caused by a vendor. Why?

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Executives don’t make vendor risk a priority or are too trusting. Learn from 600 IT and security leaders about top concerns around supply chain and policies/procedures used to mitigate risks. 

Attend this class to:

  • Understand how to evaluate a vendors third party risk to your business
  • Discuss the different types of adversarial campaigns and tools that are used to infiltrate third parties using real world examples
  • Implement policies and procedures that mitigate third party risk.

Watch our bonus content for a taste of what the coursework will be like.

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Your CyberEd Instructor

Mark Sangster

Vice President and Industry Security Strategist, eSentire

As a member of the LegalSec Council with the International Legal Technology Association (ILTA), Sangster is a cybersecurity evangelist who has spent significant time researching and speaking to peripheral factors influencing the way that legal firms integrate cybersecurity into their day-to-day operations. His experience unites a strong technical aptitude and an intuitive understanding of regulatory agencies. 

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